Why am I doing this?

I've built Koliber Services to share the guidance I wish I had.

Krystian Cybulski

Krystian has been building web-based services since the first dot-com boom.

One day, he found himself responsible for a team. It was thrilling, but at the same time challenging. How to be aware of everything that's going on? How to set good goals? How to hire well? How to structure teams? It was hard to get the needed guidance. There were loads of books and buzzwords, but little advice on how to actually do things well. There were lots of tools, but little guidance.

He started learning, and applying what he learned in practice. With reams of books behind him, many of the things that were once daunting are now clear. Much of it even worked in practice, but it took a lot of work and considerable trial-and-error to apply it well.

With two rapid scaling journeys behind him, the road is much clearer. He assembled good playbooks and approaches for many of the things that keep new engineering leaders up at night. Through Koliber Services, he is ready to share his knowledge and support you as you scale your engineering department.
